Jan 6, 2008

Welcome to TastyType!

I've been working on this blog for a few months. Experimenting and building up a few entries before "coming out of the closet." There are still improvements I want to make and fine tuning to learn how to do, but it's time to say, "Come on in y'all and have a taste."

Mostly I'll be focusing on trying out new recipes and sharing tried-and-true favorites. For a long time, I've shared recipes as holiday cards every year. It's always been hard to pick out our favorites to share among all the candidates we've tried throughout the year. This way, I can share as I go, and the recipes will be easier for you to find. I've also been enjoying improving my photography skills so you can see what the food looks like. I don't know about you, but I'm much more likely to try a recipe in a cookbook if I've been seduced by the photo first. (Special thanks to Dennis for his continued photo instruction!)

I've also been really inspired by reading other food blogs, particularly, these:
David Lebovitz
Simply Recipes
These sites have really motivated me to try to improve my skills.

Those of you who know me, know I love to bake. But I also like to stay healthy. So if I'm sharing something naughty, it's got to be worth the splurge. But I also love exploring new foods and traditions with an emphasis on fresh, organic (when possible), whole ingredients. Nothing fake or artificial, with processing kept to a minimum. We have a backyard herb and veggie garden and shop at the local farmer's market as much as possible. I live in Austin, Texas, so there will be lots of Austin-centric info too.

I'd love to hear your feedback and comments. The door's open, come on in! Happy new year and happy exploring.


  1. Hooray! I'm so glad to have been invited to the party. Can't wait to see this year-in-food unfold. :hugs:

  2. I'm gonna be eatin' good in the neighborhood! I already love the recipe cards, so consider me along for the ride. :)

  3. Nice looking blog...and so much chocolate ; )

    Looks great!!
