Jan 7, 2009

Tastytype in the Statesman

Tastytype is featured in today's food section of the Austin American-Statesman. Check it out!

If you want to try the recipe in the article, corn tortilla casserole with chard and mushrooms, here's the original post.


  1. Congratulations. That's very cool!

  2. I didn't know you had a blog Lauren - how cool!

    Congrats on the article! I'm going to try this and other recipes you've posted - yum!

  3. Lauren, that's awesome! What's funny is that I saw the recipe in the paper yesterday, and I thought, "Lauren posted a recipe like that." But I didn't actually read the article, so I didn't realize it WAS your recipe and a plug for your blog! You rock. I barely get comments on my blog from my real-life friends, much less actual fans or a media plug, and I've been blog-blathering for more than 3 years. I bow before you.

  4. Congratulations! Here's to more great press!
