Mar 30, 2009

Test Drive Cookbooks

The other day I scored and I just had to share my bounty with you.

I have lots and lots of cookbooks. Too many cookbooks. Like many other foodies, I'm always adding to my Amazon wish list every time I hear about another interesting one. I try not to splurge too often on the actual purchases, but my hunger never abates to explore new cookbooks. A few summers ago, I was driving past the big downtown library that is just blocks from my office. I remembered that I have a library card, but that I hadn't used it in a long time. It was a hot summer day and the idea of browsing the cool, dark stacks on my lunch hour was very appealing. I came home with a big pile of cookbooks that day and several other days too. Free exploration!

But I hadn't been back since that summer –– thinking that they probably hadn't added many new books since then. Boy, was I wrong. Turns out that same library is now being renovated. So you can't go inside and browse the stacks until they reopen. But you can search their collections online and place a hold on a book you're interested in. You get an email when it's ready to pick up. You can request a pick up at your neighborhood library, or if you're downtown, at the Austin History Center (until the Faulk Library reopens).

So one day I ran through my Amazon list and did a bunch of searches. I was pleasantly surprised that most of the books on my list were possible gets. And get I did. The titles in the photo above are only the beginning. There are already more books waiting for me to pick up. Watch for posts from these sources soon as I take the books into the kitchen.

So in these times of belt tightenting, if you wanna get a free new cookbook fix, try your local library.

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